viernes, 11 de agosto de 2017

Support/Hunting Hotkeys

Hunting UE
auto 100 listas 'Auto Ue' | if [$monstersaround.3 >= 2 && $playersaround.10 == 0] {say ‘Exevo Gran Mas Frigo/Flam’}
Hunting Exori Gran
auto 100 listas 'Auto E-Gran' | if [$monsteraround.1 >= 2 && $playersaround.4 == 0] {say ‘Exori Gran’}

Mana Train With MC
auto 200 gmana friend

auto 200 listas 'Dance' | turnn | wait 100 | turne | wait 100 | turns | wait 100 | turnw | wait 100 | turnn

Buy Mana Potions
auto 2000 listas 'Buy Mana' | caphigher 700 npcsay 'hi' | caphigher 700 npcsay 'trade' | caphigher 700 buyitems 238 200 | dropitems 284

Bug Map
auto 10 listas 'Bug Map' | if [$key.65] {usegroundxyz [$posx-7] $posy $posz | end} if [$key.68] {usegroundxyz [$posx+7] $posy $posz | end} if [$key.83] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy+6] $posz | end} if [$key.87] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy-6] $posz | end} if [$key.67] {usegroundxyz [$posx+6] [$posy+5] $posz | end} if [$key.90] {usegroundxyz [$posx-6] [$posy+5] $posz | end} if] [$posy-5] $posz | end}

auto 200 ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 5000 }

Auto Invisible
auto 200 ifnot $invisible {say 'Utana Vid' | wait 800}

Mana Trainer
auto 100 listas 'Mana Trainer' | if [$mppc > 98] say 'utana vid'

Change Gold Coins To Platinum Coins
auto 200 listas 'Gold coin to Platinum Coin' | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3031 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3031 | if [$ == 3031 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3031

Change Platinum Coins To Crystal Coins
auto 200 listas 'Platinum Coin to Crystal Coin' | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3035 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3035 | if [$ == 3035 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3035

Refill Ammunition
auto 200 refillammo

Equip Soft Boots Below 50% Mana Equip Boots Of Haste Above 95% Mana
auto 200 listas 'Soft Boots' | if [$mppc <= 50] equipboots 6529 | if [$mppc >= 95] equipboots 3079

Trade Helper
auto 100 listas 'Trade Helper' | tradesay 'SELL SOFT BOOTS' | wait [$rand.120.240*1000]

Auto Blood Rage
auto 100 if [$strenghttime <= 1200] {say 'utito tempo' | wait 500}
Auto Sharpshooter
auto 100 if [$strenghttime <= 1200] {say 'utito tempo san' | wait 500}

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